Friday, September 28, 2012

January 28th, 2012

It all began January 27th, Literally All morning I sat on the edge of my bed feeling what i tried to convince myself "Werent contractions" . . . "These cant be contractions" i attempted to convince myself "people say they are the worst pain "These are bareable , these are bareable" i would chant "they are not contractions! they are not contractions!" i repeated as i sat in bed tucking my face into my neck, squinting my eyes closed tight, holding my stomach" . . "or maybe they are. . " . . "but im not in tears, arent i suppose to be in tears?. . if they were contractions i would be in tears, im not in tears so they arent contractions." After about Three hours of contradicting myself on weather or not these tolderable yet a bit painful feelings i was having in my stomach were contractions or not i FINALLY decided to cave in and call Martin who was at work  "i think you should come home..i think im having contractions and need to go to the hospital" Without any furthur questions Martin immediately left work and dashed home, when he got home it was around 1pm right there and then we rushed to the hospital in thoughts that a baby was coming that same day. We reported to labor and delivery to register (picture up above in registry) and from there i was transmitted to triage. As the nurses measured my stomach, and monitored the minutes between my contractions all sorts of thoughts began blowing my mind could this really be it..? Could this really be it? I looked over at Martin happy as a child on christmas eve taking pictures of my whale like stomach. Right as i was finally convinced that the moment was finally here the nurse returns to the room, and tells us that we have to go home because my contractions werent close enough yet, and to come back when they were 5 minutes apart. I could see a bit of disappointment in Martins face. So we got our overly fully packed two week vacation stay bags and did the walk of shame into the parking lot. "Lets go out to eat." Martin says in hopes of making me smile he adds "It might be your last time to eat whatever you want without feeling guilty." with that sentence alone off to Bajo Joes we found ourselves ordering our favorite nachos.  
            The food had just gotten there and right as I was getting started with 3 bites into my meal i start twisting and turning in my chair with pain. "I cant" i grunt in painful voice "they have gotten worse, I cant eat we have to go to the hospital." It had been at most 40 minutes since we had just left i wasnt even half way done with my food, but this time i was more than convinced these were contractions. My eyes were watery (not crying) but just the fact that i had teary eyes i was now fully sure something was about to go down.
           Once we got to the hospital they began monitoring my contractions again, The nurse told me they werent close enough yet, but the fact that she saw how much pain I was in she told me she would call my doctor and see if I could stay, The doctor told her it was okay for me to stay for a bit and to keep monitoring my contraction but that if within an hour I still wasnt reaching contractions at 5 minutes apart to send me home, So there we sat in a plain room just martin and i , I would ask martin to massage me, and 2 minutes later i would tell him not to touch me. I would squirm in my bed from left to right, and in and out the angry nurse would come lecturing me that i need to stop moving because i keep misplacing the cords on my stomach, I honestly didnt care what she had to say, I was in pain, and at one point i was second away from telling her to shut the f*** up. As  the pain got worse, I got worse. As the contractions got Stronger i turned beastlier. I would look at my boyfriend who all he wanted to do was give me feet massages, and tell him that he didnt even care that i was in pain . . . . it was bad, i was bad. "JUST breath babe JUST breath babe" he would say but the fact that he said 'JUST' triggered me. "JUST?!" i attacked back. "JUST breath?!?" after an hour of my pain as well as emotions getting out of hand the nurse walked back in to see how the contractions were going." Well your still contracting at 8 minutes apart im gonna call your doctor and ask her what she wants to do. YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME i thought. I already had my mind set that If she came back and told me to go home I was going to refuse, and tell her that I was never coming back to this hospital, and going to Mountain Vista Medical. Luckily, God must of heard my irrational rude thoughts, and the nurse came back to tell me that the doctor has said to keep me for one more hour of monitoring. That was the WORST HOUR OF MY LIFE. I REAPEAT WORST WORST WORST. . HORRID . . to say the least. my bathroom usage increased to literally no exageration 4 minutes apart, after my third bathroom break , i remembered somthing great, one of my friends had told me a few weeks ago that what helped her sister go into labor was doing squats and lunges, so there you saw my 175 contracting self doing squats, and lunges in the bathroom. "Come on Mason be a good boy please"  I would whisper, and after each 4-5 minute bathroom session break i had you would see me taking some time to do my squats and lunges. It must of worked because after an hour of doing squats and lunges every 5 minutes, the nurse came back to check on me and that is when i got the good news, "You are contracting every 5 minutes, you are now considered in labor and can now get your epidural." They emitted me to Labor and Delivery, Gave me my epidural and and from that point fourth everything went heavingly we were able to let in all of Martins family who were patiently and eagerly waiting in the waiting room, My friend Brooke came, and a few hours later my grandma and aunt showed up for support. Soon enough the nurses told us it was time, and suddenly it hit me; in a matter of minutes I would finally meet MY SON Mason Alexander Flores. .  . .  I Suzette Alexa Bossio was going to be a mommy.

       At 9:06 am the world sparkled a little brighter. Born at 8.6 pounds 21 inches, a big little bundle of pure perfection made his arrival into the world. The beauty of seeing your child be born, is honestly the most breath taking moment, I could sit here and explain it, but unless you have experienced the feeling yourself, you wont understand, it is truly the best feeling in the world.
I couldn't stop looking at him, he was so perfect, just like I had imagined him. Cutest dimple on the chin, Flawless Skin, Chubbiest Cheeks. God had blessed us with the most beautiful little boy. Before I knew it, The hospital experience was over. It was time to bring him home.
 Here he is to the right bundled up, and ready to head home. It being  ending of January we struggled to find something cute, yet warm for a new born, but we came up with this, and all his nurses seemed to love it. On our ride home we were all smiles. Our hearts were full, and rang with happiness. Our little Mason was now here with us, we were now parents. . but more then that we were now "Mommy & Daddy." & Since day one we have loved and cherished every single minute of it.
         Mason Alexander Flores: My love, My baby, My son. My blessing. .

                                                             My little Calvin Boy. A week old.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

The best thing a father can do for his child.

i found this picture to be so fitting to the following quote "The best thing a father can do for his children is love their mother." The beautiful image speaks for itself showing the father to not only be so in love with baby, but also with mom.
      Really, in terms of the bigger picture,My point being is that in loving the mother, he will, by definition, love the child. Yet in loving the mother, he also sets up a profound sense of peace and stability in the child that is irreplaceable. For children who come from a stable, loving background, this may not seem of fundamental importance. They may not think of this quote with such meaning, that is because they have experienced the deep peace that comes from having grown up in a loving environment and know of no other way of being, but for adult children of difficult or fractured backgrounds, the head nods in agreement. There was little sense of peace in such an upbringing. This lack of security plays out in later life. You see not growing up in a stable loving house hold brings many downfalls, emotionally, mentally, relationships at school, relationships at work and, most importantly, love relationships. Not having a sense of childhood stability makes the adolescent and adult individual needy and insecure, and effectively limits their choice of suitable partners. Often children of unstable parental relationships can so easily go on unwittingly to unintentionally provide unstable homes for their own children, thus repeating the pattern.
         A father who loves his children's mother also sets up a valuable template for both his sons and his daughters. For his sons, he displays a role model which the growing male can take as his own model for treating all the women in his life, from his mother and sisters, to his ultimate life partner.
Such a father also provides a role model for his daughters. Here the impressionable young woman can witness in the comfort of their own home all that they should expect from the men in their lives. They also learn by definition what they should not have to put up with. Having a father who loves your mother makes you more likely to go on to choose a man who will truly love you.
Finally, in giving his children this great gift, he is also demonstrating the very opposite of what some parents believe is good parenting. He is giving the intangible gift of love, not toys, gifts, and endless monetary handouts. Intangible the gift of love better put FAMILY love, which is the most important of all loves,children soak up this invisible commodity like candy. They love it, because they inherently know it is what they need to thrive.
So fathers, show your children that you love their mother. Be as demonstrative as you know how. Stand next to her as you journey through life. The trickle-down effect of loving your partner will envelop your children in a cloak of love that will shield them from much of the harshness of life and encourage them to make better life choices.

There is truly no greater gift that you can give your children.